Thursday 1 March 2012

2012 ANU Masters Week 4

The 2012 ANU Masters saw a surprise spectator this week, with World No. 2 Lev Aronian dropping in to support his girlfriend WIM Arianne Caoili, who is playing in the tournament. Despite his encouragement, Caoili lost a hard fought game against tournament top seed FM Junta Ikeda, in 80 moves. Ikeda found a tactical shot that won a pawn, but Caoili had enough counter play to win it back and reach an equal ending. However, with both players under a minute on the clock, Ikeda pushed for a breakthrough and managed to create a passed pawn that could not be stopped. Sam Grigg had the unenviable match up against his housemate, IM Andrew Brown. Playing much too quickly, Grigg found himself in a poor position and lost in 28 moves. Miles Patterson continued his good start to the event with a win over Martijn van de Pol. Patterson held the initiative for most of the game and van de Pol eventually ran out of time. Ethan Derwent went home happy after scoring his first win of the tournament. Getting the sort of position he is comfortable with against Jeremy Reading, he was able to generate a few threats but a tactical oversight by Reading allowed Derwent to win a piece and the game. After 4 rounds Ikeda leads the tournament with 4/4. Patterson and Andrey Bliznyuk share second on 3 points. A full crosstable and games are available for this event at the ANU Chess Club website.

Reading,Jeremy (1909) - Derwent,Ethan
2012 ANU Masters Canberra AUS (4), 29.02.2012

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