Thursday 16 February 2012

2012 ANU Masters - Week 2

FM Junta Ikeda has taken the outright lead in the 2012 ANU Masters. In one of the key games of the tournament he defeated IM Andrew Brown in their second round game. Ikeda is now on 2/2, and surprisingly is the only player to maintain a perfect record.
Sam Grigg and Andrey Bliznyuk recovered from round 1 losses to score their first wins of the tournament, while Miles Patterson has moved to second place after beating Harry Press. Results, games and crosstables for this event can be found at the ANU Chess Club website (under Current Events).

Ikeda,Junta (2349) - Brown,Andrew (2215)
2012 ANU Masters Canberra AUS (2), 15.02.2012

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