Thursday 2 February 2012

2012 ACT Championship

Hot on the heels of the 2012 ACT Lightning Championship comes details of the ACT Championship. As in the previous few years it will be a 9 round FIDE Rated Swiss, played over consecutive weekends. However this year it is a little earlier in the calendar, and begins on a Friday evening.
The full details are:
Venue: Tuggeranong Vikings Club, Ricardo St, Wanniassa
Dates: Friday 17 Feb , Sat 18 Feb, Sun 19 Feb, Sat 25 Feb, Sun 26 Feb
Time Limit: 90m+30s (Fischer)
Rounds: 9
Round Times: Friday (Round 1) 7:30pm, Sat & Sunday Rounds 10:30 am & 2:30 pm
Entry Fees: $60 ($40 concessions and juniors)

Entry form is here

(NB I will be the paid DOP for this event)

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