Saturday 24 December 2011

A relaxing Xmas Eve

Chess players are nothing if not committed. When I turned up this morning to run Street Chess one of the tournament sponsors expressed surprise that I was there. "No one will turn up" he said, "it's Christmas Eve". "Don't worry, I'm sure they will" was my reply.
It turned out that 18 players decided to pass on last minute shopping to play some chess in the sun instead. The field included an IM, a WIM and an FM, making it a pretty strong tournament. FM Endre Ambrus won the tournament with 6.5/7, just ahead if WIM Emma Guo.
It was also the last Street Chess for Alana Chibnall, who is moving to Sydney for work reasons. She has been a regular player for the last 5 or so years, as well as filling in as an arbiter when I have been away. She has certainly added a lot to Street Chess both as competitor and arbiter, and I wish her all the best in the years ahead.


  1. thanks for DOP'ing in 2011 - fantastic that you are happy to provide us with a DOP for all these events and I appreciate it. - PP

  2. Thanks Shaun for everything you have done for me and the ACT Chess Community - Street Chess is often the best part of my week and I will miss it. :(
