Friday 9 September 2011

Almost a rest day at the World Cup

The 2011 FIDE World Cup is down to 8 players, and maybe the length of the event is beginning to take its toll. Today saw the first game of the quarter finals, and most of the games were over pretty quickly. Two of them were drawn in under 20 moves (one was a perpetual), another took a little longer to finish wit the same result, and only 1 game was decisive. This was Ivanchuk's win over Radjabov, which is given below.
Playing through the game I wonder what players from 80 years ago would think of it.. The hyper-moderns might appreciate Ivanchuk's play (7.Nde2, 13.Rc1), but the more classical minded might frown at some of the manoeuvring. But from move 28 onwards I suspect they would be in agreement that White had emerged with a winning position.

Ivanchuk,Vasilly - Radjabov,Teimour [B70]
World Cup, 09.09.2011

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