Monday 15 August 2011

Strong finish for Ikeda in World Junior

FM Junta Ikeda has had a good result in the 2011 World Junior, defeating GM Jorge Cori in the 11th round of the tournament. He followed this up with a draw with IM Niclas Huschenbeth in the second last round, before going down to IM Upadhyaya Anwesh in the final round. His final score of 7/13 was the best of the Australian contingent, with a PR that matched his current rating. New IM Moulthun Ly finished half a point behind Ikeda (on 50%), while Fedja Zulfic was in the group that scored 4.
In the Girls Championship, WIM Emma Guo finished on 5.5, while Savithri Narenthran scored 4. GM Dariusz Swiercz and GM Robert Hovhannisyan tied for first place (I'm assuming Swiercz wins on tie break) while Deysi Cori (sister of Jorge) won the Girls Championship. Full standings can be found here.

Ikeda,Junta (2349) - Cori,Jorge (2514) [C00]
World Junior Chess championships

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