Saturday 1 January 2011

2011 Australian Open

The 2011 Australian Open starts tomorrow and the organisers have the first round pairings up already. Top seed for the event is GM Zong Yuan Zhao, with IM George Xie, IM Stephen Solomon, IM Vladimir Feldman and IM Irinia Berezina-Feldman also taking part. As this is the equivalent of of the Australian national championship events, restrictions on foreign players for title norms don't apply, and so there should be some players hoping for an IM norm. This would include Junta Ikeda and Max Illingworth who both had good tournament victories in the last week.
Alongside the Open, is a Minor (under 1600) event, and the Norths Classic, which looks almost like a Seniors event (Although I'll apologise in advance to any below 55's playing in this tournament for that description).
The tournament web page is here, with links to results for all the events, and live coverage of the top games.

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