Friday 9 July 2010

Winning with the Bongcloud

For those who find the Hammerschlag theory to difficult to learn, I have recently come across another opening which contains some of the same themes and yet is subtly different. The Bongcloud Opening (1.e4 e5 2.Ke2) is the kind of opening that appeals to the player who wishes to avoid the opening phase altogether. Of course this may result in such accidents as 1.e4 e5 2.Ke2 Qh4 3.Nf3?? Qxe4# but if you get beyond that, an exciting game surely awaits.
There is even a book written on the Bongcloud, available in PDF format at The author, Andrew Fabbro, gives a number of reasons for playing the Bongcloud, my favourite being "You’ve noticed that while dozens of people have published “Anti-Sicilian” books, there are far fewer “Anti-Bongcloud” books".
Certainly if you pick this opening you will avoid players with huge opening databases, as in my collection of games (3,000,000+) I found exactly 1 game that began this way. However White's play was too weak to do the opening justice, so clearly it is an opening that awaits another champion.

(*Disclaimer: I have complimentary membership at, courtesy of my CM(!) title *)


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    Talking of the mechanisms through which male enhancement pills work, it is worth noting that most of the available pills of that variety have tended to be made of rather too potent synthetic formulations (leading to safety concerns) especially since it is mainly hormones we are looking at here and these are known to be extremely sensitive. Thankfully, a number of natural male enhancement pills are coming up (like the much-talked about Extenze male enhancement pills, where said Extenze male enhancement pills in question are said to be based on naturally occurring ingredients with much lower potential for side effect), hence raising their safety profile among users.

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    Before attempting to purchase such products one should always do their research on their ingredients, ask their doctor questions, and identify possible hazards and/or side effects they may have. Most often times, natural male enhancement products are going to be safer than prescription drugs because they simply act to make you healthier naturally. For instance, many use chinese herbs that have been used for thousands of years to help stimulate blood flow and help moderate hormonal levels which may be affected by the many outside environmental factors.

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