Tuesday 16 February 2010

Dubbo 2010

It is still a month away, but I'd thought I'd highlight the 2010 Dubbo Open. The tournament is celebrating its 10th year this year and the organisers are hoping for a big roll up.
It is on the weekend of the 20-21st March 2010, at the Dubbo RSL Club (where it has been for the past 9 editions). It is 6 rounds, played with a time limit of 60m+10s per move. The last few years have seen a reaonably large field turn up (46 last year IIRC) and the aim is to crack the 50 mark this year.
I've certainly enjoyed the 5 or so tournaments that I've played in, and intend to make the trip up again this year.
Entry fee is $50 for Adults ($35 concession, $25 juniors) and first prize is $750. Further information is available from Alexander Aich at alexander.aich*at*gmail.com (replace *at* with @)

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