Saturday 2 January 2010

2010 Australian Champs - Round 1

The 2010 Australian Championship started this afternoon, with 187 players entered for all major events. There is a big contingent of Canberra players taking part this year, with 3 young players in the Championship itself. Junta Ikeda won his game against the lower rated (although titled) Gene Nakauchi, while Yi Yuan drew with 10th seed Moulthun Ly, and Andrew Brown scored the only major upset of the first round, defeating IM James Morris.
In yesterdays post I didn't jump in with a prediction of who I think would win, but a day late I'm tipping GM Zong Yuan Zhao, for both the tournament (and obviously the title).
The official website is a little tardy in getting the results/pairings up (and the live coverage suffered the usual first day problems ie it isn't working) but you can get some tournament information from


  1. Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

  2. will be interesting to see Zhao - Ikeda tomorrw - should be an interesting match up.

  3. I disagree with the first "Anonymous"...

    Actually I find this blog have a very high level. And this during a long period.


