Sunday 9 December 2007

Australian Championship 2008

I was having a discussion with a visiting chess player to Canberra yesterday and he asked me "How do you think the Australian Championship will go next year?" Having been through the experience of organising the 2006-07 Australian Open I answered that the Championship itself would do well, but they supporting events would struggle.
Well this evening I had a look at the entries, and to my pleasant surprise it looks as though I was wrong, with the event has almost hit the 100 mark (Championship 27, Major 40, Minor 32, 99 in total). Included in the entries for the minor is a big contingent of players from South Korea, which may make tipping a winner in that event difficult.
As for the championship, the recent return to form of Darryl Johansen means that I feel confident in tipping him for a 6th Australian Championship, with Stephen Solomon my backup selection.

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