Monday 1 October 2007

A trio of completed events

Apart from the World Championship Tournament, 3 other tournaments finished in the last day or 2.
The Asian Individual Championships finished in a tie for first between Chinese GM's Pengxiang Zhang and Hao Wang. Final standings are at The top 10 finishers all qualify for the next FIDE World Cup knockout. The sole Oceania representative, Stuart Fancy from Papua New Guinea, finished on 1.5/11 just avoiding becoming the "Lanterne Rouge".
The Monarch Assurance Isle of Man Open finished in a 6 way tie for first with GM's Bartel, Yakovich, Efimenko, Golod, Roiz, and Kobalia all scoring 6.5/9. The three Australian competitors finished mid field with IM Smerdon =37th (4.5), Moulthun Ly =49th (4.0), and FM Manuel Weeks =65th (3.5).
And the George Trundle NZ Masters finished with a win for GM Stuart Conquest. Although the website is still a couple of days behind Conquest scored 7/9 with Darryl Johansen and Stephen Solomon on 6.5 and Tim Reilly on 5.5. Reilly needed a draw in the final round against Conquest for an IM norm, but Conquest took the point to finish outright first.

Ly,M (2295) - Speelman,J (2511) [E54]
Monarch Assurance Isle of Man (8.20), 29.09.2007

1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 3.exd5 cxd5 4.c4 Nf6 5.Nc3 e6 6.Nf3 Bb4 7.Bd3 dxc4 8.Bxc4 0-0 9.0-0 a6 10.Bg5 b5 11.Bd3 Bb7 12.Rc1 Nbd7 13.a3 Be7 14.Re1 Re8 15.Ne5 Nf8 16.Bb1 Qb6 17.Be3 Rad8 18.Nd3 Qa7 19.Qe2 Qa8 20.f3 Nd5 21.Nxd5 Bxd5 22.Nc5 Nd7 23.Qc2 g6 24.Qf2 a5 25.Bd3 Nxc5 26.dxc5 Bc6 27.Red1 Qb7 28.b3 Rd7 29.Qb2 Bf8 30.Be2 Red8 31.Qf6 Rxd1+ 32.Rxd1 Rxd1+ 33.Bxd1 Be7 ½-½

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