Friday 3 August 2007

Congrats to David Smerdon

By now it is old news (almost a week since it happened!) but congratulations to IM David Smerdon for scoring his 3rd GM norm in Paraduce, Czech Republic. The Chessvibes website has a big story on the tournament as well as Smerdon's play, which you can read here.
Although David has scored the required norms, he still needs to get his rating over 2500 to be awarded the title. His first attempt at doing this is in the Paks Cup GM Tournament, which starts tomorrow evening.
Good luck David!


  1. and David will be coming to live in Canberra next year - now if only we could get our resident IM, GM and WIM to play at a club, imagine how awesome that would be!


  2. What? don't you already think you are. :P
