Friday 8 June 2007

2007 ANU Chess Festival

Slot the dates of the 28th and 29th July 2007 into your calendar for the ANU Chess Festival. Running since 1993 the ANU Chess Festival is Australia's biggest multi-event chess tournament. The Festival is sponsored by the Australian National University in Canberra, and contains simuls, school tournaments, computer chess, and of the course the ANU Open, which is one of Australia's biggest weekenders.
The ANU Open is on the 28th and 29th of July and GM Ian Rogers is a confirmed participant. If you live in Canberra, or plan to get here a day early, the you can also play GM Rogers in the ANU Bookshop Simul held at King O'Malley's (home of Street Chess) at Friday lunchtime. Ian usually starts with a blindfold simul against a selected group of ACT juniors, before conducting a normal simul against all comers.
Also being played over the weekend will be the ACT Go Championships, a tournament organised by Backgammon ACT, and hopefully Chinese Chess (for the first time).

(Standard Disclaimers: I work for the ANU and am an organiser of the ANU Chess Festival and Street Chess).

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