Tuesday 30 January 2018

2018 ACT Blitz Championship

Willis Lo has continued his recent run of good form, winning the 2018 ACT Blitz Championship this evening. He scored 8.5/9 conceding just one draw, to FM Michael Kethro. Kethro finished in second place on 7.5, just ahead of IM Andrew Brown on 7.
The 18 player field took  little bit of time to get used to the new FIDE Blitz rules, and as tournament director I did have a couple of tricky situations to deal with. Otherwise the tournament ran smoothly, and it also gave me a chance to test the new DGT Live software (you can see the top board game from each round at http://tournaments.streetchess.net/2018ACTLightning/)

Brown,Andrew (2263) - Lo,Willis
2018 ACT Lightning Championship Canberra, Australia (4.1), 30.01.2018


Miguel said...

I really like the way that Black got an attack going towards the White king. There were a lot of deep ideas going on there that were really complicated. Hope both players keep up the good work!

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